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How does Hyvä checkout improve the user experience compared to default Magento checkout?

Hyvä checkout improves the user experience compared to the default Magento checkout by providing a faster, more user-friendly, and brand-consistent checkout experience.

Hyvä Checkout prioritizes what today’s online shoppers crave – a quick, intuitive, and hassle-free checkout experience. It takes the Magento checkout experience to the next level for both customers and merchants. 

Here’s how Hyvä Checkout elevates the user experience:

  1. Faster Speeds: Hyvä Checkout prioritizes speed. Tests show up to 13x faster loading times on mobile devices compared to the default checkout. This keeps customers happy and reduces cart abandonment.
  2. Frictionless Flow: Hyvä Checkout optimizes the checkout flow by minimizing steps and unnecessary form fields. Customers can enter their details, shipping, and billing information on a single page. This keeps the user focused on completing the purchase rather than getting bogged down in a lengthy process.
  3. Modern Design:  Out-of-the-box, Hyvä Checkout offers a clean and contemporary look that aligns perfectly with Hyva themes. It feels more modern and user-friendly compared to the default Magento checkout. 
  4. Enhanced Customization: Hyvä Checkout offers two layout options, and users can also personalize the checkout page based on customer groups, add new steps, and adjust the flow. This reduces the development time and gives more control over the checkout experience.
  5. Guest Checkout: To prioritize better user experience, Hyvä Checkout caters to the impulsive shopper with a streamlined guest checkout option. This eliminates the need for lengthy account creation that can often lead to cart abandonment. 

Shoppers today expect a frictionless checkout experience. Every step that adds complexity or slows things down can lead to cart abandonment. Magento, a popular e-commerce platform, offers a default checkout process, but it can feel clunky and outdated. Hyvä Checkout steps in to address these pain points and create a smoother user journey.