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What are the different types of footers provided by Hyvä UI?

The three versions of footers provided by Hyvä UI are:

  1. Clean
  2. 4 Column newsletter
  3. Mega

1) Clean: The Clean footer comes with a minimalist design that provides basic information about the store and its social media presence.

Clean footer in Hyvä UI

2) 4 Column newsletter: This footer is divided into 4 sections where you add links that belong to different sections like about the company, policies, product categories, etc. It also encourages visitors to subscribe to the store’s newsletter.

4 Column newsletter footer in Hyvä UI

3) Mega: The mega footer in Hyvä UI offers a comprehensive layout with multiple sections designed to provide users with various resources and information about the Magento store. It also allows users to subscribe to the store’s newsletter and connect with them on social media through the icons at the top.

Mega footer in Hyvä UI