
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

What are the Key benefits of Hyvä Enterprise?

Here are the key benefits of Hyvä Enterprise:

1# Full Adobe Commerce Feature Compatibility

Hyvä Enterprise ensures your Hyvä storefront can leverage all the core functionalities of Adobe Commerce, including the B2B suite and features powered by Adobe Sensei (like product recommendations and advanced search). This allows you to utilize the full range of Adobe Commerce capabilities alongside the benefits of Hyvä.

2# Faster Performance

Hyvä is known for its streamlined architecture, which translates to faster loading times for your storefront. Hyvä Enterprise maintains this performance advantage while integrating Adobe Commerce features. 

3# Quicker Time to Market

The reduced codebase of Hyvä simplifies development and maintenance compared to traditional Magento setups. With the simplified development process and pre-built integrations for core functionalities, Hyvä Enterprise allows you to launch your online store or implement changes faster.

4# B2B and Commerce Functionality

 Hyvä Enterprise includes features that support B2B (Business-to-Business) functionalities and core Adobe Commerce features like Sensei Live Search and Recommendations. This makes it a more comprehensive solution for businesses with complex commerce needs.

5# Streamlined Content Management

Hyvä Enterprise integrates seamlessly with Adobe Commerce’s content management system. This lets you easily create, edit, and publish product information, blog posts, and other website content. Focusing on efficient workflows can save your team time and effort when managing your online store’s content.

6# Enhanced Search Functionality

Hyvä Enterprise integrates with Adobe Sensei, allowing features like live search and product recommendations. Live search anticipates what users are typing, suggesting relevant products instantly. Product recommendations use customer data and purchase history to personalize product suggestions, leading to a more engaging shopping experience.

7# Increased Scalability

It also enhances scalability, meaning your online store can handle a growing number of visitors and transactions without compromising performance. This is crucial for businesses experiencing significant traffic or anticipating future growth. As your business grows, Hyvä Enterprise can adapt to meet your needs.