
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

How to download an InstaBuild template?

InstaBuild templates are not available for direct download. They are paid Hyvä Theme Accelerator offered by Aureate Labs specifically designed for Hyva Themes on Magento stores.

To use an InstaBuild template, you’ll need to purchase it through Aureate Labs. They offer various pre-designed templates for different industries, along with optional services like installation and Figma design files.

Here’s how to get an InstaBuild template:

  1. Visit the official InstaBuild page.
  2. Explore their InstaBuild template collection.
  3. Choose a template that suits your needs.
  4. Purchase the template and any additional services required.
  5. Aureate Labs will likely handle the installation for you.

If you’re comfortable with Magento and Hyva themes, you might be able to implement the template yourself with guidance from Aureate Labs.