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What attention grabber elements are available in Hyvä UI?

Hyvä UI offers a variety of attention-grabbing elements to help you make specific content stand out on your Magento store pages. Hyvä UI offers four types of attention grabber elements:

  1. Cookies
  2. Modals
  3. Notifications
  4. Pop-Ups

You can check out all the attention grabber elements available in Hyva UI with their types below.

1) Cookies: These are customizable banners that inform visitors about your website’s cookie policy and allow them to accept or manage cookie usage.

Cookies - attention grabber elements in Hyvä UI

2) Modals: Modals are pop-up windows that appear on the screen, often used to display important information, promotions, or calls to action (CTAs). They can be a great way to temporarily grab user focus.

Modals - attention grabber elements in Hyvä UI

3) Notifications: Hyvä UI provides notification components that can be used to display alerts, announcements, or success messages in a visually distinct way.

Notifications - attention grabber elements in Hyvä UI

4) Pop-Ups: Similar to modals, pop-ups are another way to display targeted messages or CTAs that appear on top of the existing page content.

Pop-Ups - attention grabber elements in Hyvä UI