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Can I use Windows with PWA Studio for development?

No, you can’t use Windows with PWA studio for development as Windows is incompatible with many PWA studio features. So there’s no direct way to use PWA studio on Windows for development purposes. However, the developer communities have found alternative methods to build compatibility between Windows and PWA Studio.

  1. Using Docker: By using Docker, you can create a Linux environment on your Windows machine. This method involves running a Linux container, which can host the PWA Studio and its dependencies, thereby bypassing compatibility issues.
  2. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): WSL allows you to run a Linux distribution alongside your Windows OS. By installing WSL, you can set up a Linux-based development environment where PWA Studio can operate without the compatibility issues present in a native Windows environment.

These methods effectively bridge the gap between Windows and PWA Studio, allowing for a more flexible development process. Remember to refer to specific guides or documentation for setting up Docker or WSL for use with PWA Studio.