
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

What features make the Product Listing Page (PLP) in Hyvä UI stand out?

Hyvä UI Product Listing Page (PLP) stands out for its inclusion of size and color swatches alongside the add-to-cart functionality which simplifies product selection for users.

Hyvä UI PLPs can display size and color swatches directly on the product listing which allows users to add products directly to their cart from the listing page. This eliminates the need to visit the product page just to check for size or color variations.

The PLP component on the Hyva UI library offers two different types of product cards as shown below:

Types of product cards in Hyva UI library

You can customize the layout, information displayed (e.g., price, reviews, etc.), and overall look and feel to match your brand and optimize the shopping experience for your customers.