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How does Hyvä UI improve the performance of Magento 2 websites?

Hyvä UI improves the performance of Magento 2 websites by reducing the code volume and dependency on additional third-party modules or extensions. 

Here’s how Hyvä UI improves the performance of Magento 2 websites:

1. Reduced Reliance on Third-Party Modules

Many third-party modules add functionalities but can also introduce additional code and JavaScript libraries. Hyvä UI offers a comprehensive set of built-in components that can cover many common e-commerce needs. This reduces the dependency on external modules which makes the codebase leaner and offers faster loading times.

2. Inheriting Hyvä Theme’s Performance Optimizations

Hyvä Themes are known for their focus on performance. They achieve this by using modern development practices and minimizing unnecessary code. Hyvä UI, being designed specifically for Hyvä Themes, inherits these performance benefits. The components themselves are likely to be lightweight and optimized for speed.

3. Less Code, Faster Loading

By using pre-built components, developers can avoid writing custom code from scratch. This reduces the overall code volume of the frontend, and speeds up your Magento 2 website. Less code results in less for the browser to download and process, resulting in a smoother user experience.

4. Simpler Development with Streamlined Resources

Hyvä UI components are likely to use well-optimized JavaScript (JS) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) code. This minimizes the number of separate JS and CSS files required, further reducing the overall load on the browser. A streamlined approach to these resources can improve website responsiveness and performance.

By minimizing reliance on third-party modules and offering optimized components, Hyvä UI can contribute to faster loading times and a smoother user experience for your Magento 2 store.