
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

What are the three versions of headers available in Hyvä UI?

The three versions of headers available in Hyvä UI are:

  1. Clean
  2. Compact
  3. Stacked

1) Clean: This header prioritizes a simple and uncluttered design that keeps the focus on the store’s logo and navigation menu. It can collapse and expand to show additional elements like the search bar.

Headers in Hyvä UI - Clean

2) Compact: The compact header is designed to save space by hiding some elements until they are needed (like menus and search bar). This can be useful for websites with a lot of content above the fold or for mobile devices where screen space is limited.

Headers in Hyvä UI - Compact

3) Stacked: The Stacked header includes lots of elements in a limited horizontal space like a large search bar, navigation menu, benefits, and other elements.

Headers in Hyvä UI - Stacked