
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

What are the benefits of Hyvä checkout over other checkout solutions?

Hyvä Checkout emerges as a game-changer for Magento store owners by addressing the pain points and offering significant advantages over other checkout solutions.

Here are the benefits of Hyvä checkout over other checkout solutions:

  1. Hyvä Checkout offers lightning-fast loading speed, particularly on mobile devices (a whopping 13x faster than standard Magento checkout).
  2. Hyvä Checkout offers two layout options, and you can also personalize the checkout page based on customer groups, add new steps, and adjust the flow.
  3. Customers can enter their details, shipping, and billing information on a single page.
  4. Hyvä Checkout prioritizes a smooth user experience. Features like order comments and optimized layouts streamline the checkout process and keep customers happy.
  5. Hyvä Checkout simplifies customization for developers.
  6. Hyvä Checkout’s architecture allows for swift modifications and efficient A/B testing, further optimizing your checkout funnel for peak performance.
  7. Hyvä Checkout equips Magento stores to deliver a frictionless checkout experience, ultimately driving conversions and boosting revenue.
  8. Hyva Checkout complies with the latest PCI DSS standards and uses data encryption to safeguard sensitive customer information and enhance the security of online stores.