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What customization options does Hyvä Checkout offer?

Hyvä Checkout offers various customization options to tailor the checkout experience for your Magento 2 store:

  1. Layout Options: Choose between a two-column layout (similar to the default Magento checkout) or a one-page layout that condenses everything into a single view for a streamlined experience.
  2. Mobile Optimization: Hyva Checkout provides dedicated layouts specifically designed for mobile devices. You can even configure regular expressions to define which user agents trigger the mobile layout.
  3. Tailwind CSS Styling: Hyvä Checkout leverages Tailwind CSS, a utility-first framework, for easy customization of the checkout page’s appearance. You can directly override the existing checkout styles using Tailwind classes within your theme’s styles.css file.
  4. Form Customization: You can leverage the Hyvä Checkout API to customize the checkout form itself. This includes adding new fields, modifying existing ones, and controlling their behavior.
  5. Integration with Payment Methods: Hyvä Checkout provides an API for integrating various payment methods into your checkout process. This allows you to offer a wider range of payment options to your customers.

Overall, Hyvä Checkout provides a high degree of flexibility to create a checkout experience that aligns with your brand identity and optimizes the conversion funnel for your Magento store.