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Why is Hyvä Checkout a separate product from your theme?

There are a couple of reasons why Hyvä Checkout is sold as a separate product from the Hyvä theme:

1. Alternative Checkout Options

Having Hyvä Checkout as a separate product gives you options. You can choose to use the standard Magento Luma checkout with the Hyvä theme or explore third-party checkout extensions if Hyvä Checkout doesn’t suit your needs.

2. Creating a robust checkout process

Building a checkout experience is a challenging task compared to designing a theme. Checkouts involve integrating with payment gateways, handling sensitive customer information, and ensuring a smooth flow. By separating it, Hyvä can focus on creating a robust and customizable checkout experience.

3. Cost Saving

Again separating the checkout allows Hyvä to offer a more competitive theme price. Hyvä Checkout has a one-time fee, so you only pay for it if you need the advanced features it offers.