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How does Hyvä Enterprise support B2B?

Hyvä Enterprise supports B2B businesses by offering full compatibility with the B2B suite features of Adobe Commerce. It offers a wide range of functionalities that cater to the specific needs of businesses selling to other businesses.

Here are the B2B features that Hyvä Enterprise supports:

  • Company Management: Granular control over user roles, permissions, and company structure. This allows for setting up different access levels for various departments or user types within a B2B customer company.
  • Custom Catalogs and Pricing: Ability to create specific catalogs for each B2B customer, restricting product visibility and setting custom prices, even down to individual products. This ensures customers only see relevant products and get the negotiated pricing.
  • Streamlined Ordering: Features like credit limits, requisition lists, and quick order by CSV import allow for faster and more efficient ordering for B2B customers.
  • Purchase Orders and Approvals: Implementation of purchase orders and approval workflows provides control over who can place orders, spending limits, and approval processes within the B2B customer company.
  • Negotiable Quotes: Enables B2B businesses to discuss and create bespoke orders with custom pricing and discounts at the line item level, facilitating complex B2B sales.