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How does Hyvä UI compare to Magento’s default Luma theme?

When compared with Magento’s default Luma theme, Hyvä UI is just another name for Hyva themes (which is the better Magento 2 theme than the Luma theme).

Here’s a breakdown of some key areas:

FactorsHyvä UILuma
PerformanceUses a modern tech stack with lightweight libraries which improves website speed and overall performance, especially on mobile devices.Relies on older technologies that can be bloated, potentially slowing down your store.
CustomizationOffers a high degree of customization with modular architecture and pre-built UI components. This allows for more flexibility in creating a unique store experience.Provides a more standardized look and feel. Customization requires modifying the theme files directly, which can be complex.
DevelopmentReusable UI components save development time and simplify the Hyva implementation process.Development might be slower and more complex due to the heavy code volume.
CostRequires a one-time license purchase, but development costs can be lower due to faster development cycles.Free to use, but development costs might be higher for complex customizations.
SEOBetter website speed and performance potentially improve your search rankings.A slow website and poor performance affect the SEO and site visibility.

The main difference between Hyva UI and the Luma theme is that pre-built and ready-to-use components from Hyvä UI significantly reduce development time. Developers can integrate these components seamlessly which will save them from building everything from scratch and allow them to focus on more complex functionalities.

Read More: Hyvä Vs Luma: Real Comparison of Magento 2 Themes!