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What are the key features of Hyvä UI?

Hyvä’s UI library is pre-designed user interface elements that can be easily integrated into Hyvä Themes. Here are some of the key features of Hyvä UI:

1. Wide Range of Pre-built UI Components

Hyvä UI offers a collection of pre-designed and reusable user interface components. These components can include common elements like headers, footers, product listings, product details pages, shopping cart elements, checkout forms, and more.

2. Clean and Consistent Design

Hyvä UI components are designed to be visually appealing and consistent throughout the store. This can offer a more user-friendly and intuitive shopping experience for your customers.

3. Customizability

While Hyvä UI provides pre-built components, it also offers a high degree of customization. Developers can modify styles, layouts, and functionalities of the components to achieve a unique design for your store. This allows you to tailor the user interface to your specific brand identity.

4. Improved Developer Experience

Hyvä UI aims to simplify the development process for Magento 2 stores. Using pre-built components can save development time compared to building everything from scratch. Additionally, the components are well-documented which makes it easier for developers to understand and implement them.

5. Improved Design Workflow

The Figma design file included with Hyvä UI allows designers to work directly with the component library and streamline the design process ensuring a cohesive look and feel.

6. Development Efficiency

By leveraging pre-built components, developers can create Magento 2 store UIs faster compared to the Hyva theme development from scratch. This can be especially beneficial for projects with tight deadlines or when you need to get your online store up and running quickly.

7. Community and Support

Hyvä offers a community forum and resources for developers using Hyvä Themes and Hyvä UI. This allows developers to connect, ask questions, share knowledge, and get help when needed. This can be a valuable resource for troubleshooting issues or learning more about using Hyvä UI effectively.