
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

What menu options does Hyvä UI offer?

Hyvä UI offers four versions of a header menu:

  1. Simple static links menu
  2. 4-column mega menu
  3. Vertical dropout 4-column menu
  4. Shop dropdown

1) Simple static links menu: The Simple static links menu is a straightforward navigation option that provides quick access to the main sections of a Magento store. This is best for websites that don’t require complex menus with multiple layers.

Simple static links menu - Hyvä UI

2) 4-column mega menu: The menu is divided into four vertical columns. Each column is dedicated to a particular section, with dropdown menus showcasing subcategories underneath. It allows shoppers to browse through the main categories and subcategories of the Magento store without having to navigate away from the homepage.

4-column mega menu - Hyvä UI

3) Vertical dropout 4-column menu: The menu expands vertically downwards when you click on the top categories. The menu is divided into four equal columns. Each column can contain different categories or links. This allows you to display a large catalog of products in a well-organized manner.

Vertical dropout 4-column menu - Hyvä UI

4) Shop dropdown: This menu is a space-saving option that hides the main menu until it’s needed. It appears when you click or hover over the Shop menu button. When activated, the menu expands vertically downwards and is divided into four columns.

Shop dropdown - Hyvä UI