
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

What are the two versions of Product Category Pages (PCP) in Hyvä UI?

Hyvä UI offers two versions (visual layout options) for Product Category Pages (PCP):

  1. Grid images
  2. Grid patterns
Hyvä UI offers two PCP layouts 2

1) Grid images: This PCP layout prioritizes showcasing products using a grid-based structure filled with product images. This approach is ideal for stores with a strong focus on product visuals and where high-quality product images are central to the buying decision.

2) Grid patterns: This PCP layout offers more flexibility in presenting product information. It might utilize a grid structure but allows for text-based options of product details.

You can fully customize the layout, content displayed, and overall design to complement your brand identity and optimize the browsing experience for your customers.