
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

What information about version compatibility is included in the files of Hyvä UI components?

The READMEs for Hyvä UI components typically include a section dedicated to version compatibility. This section clarifies if the component has any specific requirements regarding the Hyvä Themes version it works with.

The files for each Hyvä UI component typically include the following details:

1) General Compatibility: By default, Hyvä UI components support Hyvä Themes version 1.2 and higher. This is the baseline compatibility most components will mention in their files.

2) Version Badges: Each component has version badges within its file. These badges could visually indicate the supported versions of Hyvä, Tailwind CSS (if applicable), and AlpineJS (if applicable). You can find them at the top of the file.

Looking for older versions? If you need to check compatibility for an older version of Hyvä UI components, you can check the Hyvä UI Changelog. Changelogs typically detail changes made between versions, including any potential compatibility updates.

By checking the READMEs before using a component, you can ensure compatibility and avoid potential issues in your project.