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How to Upgrade Hyvä UI Components?

Unlike standard Magento modules, Hyvä UI components are not automatically updated with new Hyvä UI library releases. Once you integrate a Hyvä UI component into your Hyvä Theme project, you manage and customize its code as needed.

Here are the steps to upgrade Hyvä UI components:

  1. Check upgrade notes: Review the version-specific upgrade notes in the docs for any backward incompatible changes.
  2. Compare files: Compare your current component version to the latest version and identify the changes made in the updated files.
  3. Update code selectively: If you only want to modify styles, replace the PHP and Javascript code with the newer versions. Make sure any Alpine.js tags in your HTML haven’t changed.
  4. Maintain Custom Styles: You can usually keep your custom styles intact after code updates.
  5. Upgrade the theme module: Use the command composer update hyva-themes/magento2-theme-module to update the theme module.

There are two main scenarios where you might consider upgrading a Hyvä UI component:

1) Bug Fixes or New Features

If a new Hyvä UI library release addresses bugs in existing components or introduces valuable new features you want to incorporate, you’ll need to manually update the specific components within your project.

2) Maintaining Code

Even if there aren’t specific bug fixes or features needed, it’s good practice to occasionally review updates and consider if any improvements or security enhancements are relevant to your implementation.

If the updates are significant or you’re unsure about the process, consulting a developer experienced with Hyvä Themes and Hyvä UI might be advisable.

Upgrading Hyvä UI components requires a more manual approach compared to traditional Magento modules. However, by following these steps and carefully managing your code, you can ensure your store benefits from bug fixes, new features, and security enhancements while maintaining any customizations you’ve made.