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What makes Hyvä UI’s menu options versatile for different merchant needs?

Hyvä UI offers three pre-built menu options to cater to different store needs and product ranges. It balances between pre-built options and some level of customization. This is what makes Hyvä UI’s menu options versatile for different merchant needs.

You can choose from three pre-built menu options:

  1. Simple Static Links: This is a basic horizontal menu for a minimalist look.
  2. 4-Column Mega Menu: This option allows for a more complex layout with multiple levels and columns, perfect for showcasing a large product catalog or highlighting various departments.
  3. Vertical Dropout 4-Column Menu: This menu opens vertically with multiple columns, ideal for displaying a vast product range without overwhelming visitors on the main page.

Hyvä plays well with other tools. If you need even more advanced menu features, there are third-party modules available for Magento 2 that work seamlessly with Hyvä.

In short, Hyvä provides a foundation for menus that cater to different needs. You can choose a simple layout for a smaller store or a complex one for a large catalog, and there’s always room for further customization or extension with additional modules.