
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

What are the key benefits of InstaBuild?

The key benefits of InstaBuild—Hyvä Theme Accelerator are as follows:

  • Improved performance and speed: InstaBuild inherits the performance and speed goodness of Hyva themes, which is good for SEO.
  • Enhanced user experience: InstaBuild templates are responsive and clean, making them user-friendly on all devices.
  • Simplified customization: You can customize colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand identity.
  • Advancements with Hyva-compatible extensions: InstaBuild integrates seamlessly with Hyva-compatible extensions, so you can add features to your store.
  • Reduced development time and cost: InstaBuild is much faster and cheaper than developing a custom Hyva theme from scratch.
  • Faster time to market: You can get your Magento store up and running in a matter of days with InstaBuild.