
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

Is there a checkout module included in Hyvä Themes?

No, a checkout module is not directly included with Hyvä Themes itself. However, Hyvä offers a separate checkout solution specifically designed to work well with Hyvä Themes: Hyvä Checkout (paid).

Hyvä Checkout is a stand-alone commercial product for Magento 2 merchants to build and customize their Magento store’s checkout page. If you wish to use Hyvä Checkout you need to purchase a license (€1000) and configure it according to your needs.

Hyvä Checkout supports the most popular payment methods such as PayPal, Braintree, Payplug, Stripe, Mollie and Adyen.

While Hyvä Checkout is recommended, there are other options for integrating a checkout with Hyvä Themes:

  • Luma Checkout: You can use the default Magento checkout (Luma) with Hyvä Themes, but it might require a separate Luma fallback module to ensure a consistent look on checkout pages.
  • React Checkout: An open source community supported checkout for developer teams with React JS experience. This enables you to use the standard Magento checkout with any standard Magento checkout extension.

Overall, if you prioritize a seamless checkout experience that integrates perfectly with Hyvä Themes, Hyvä Checkout is the recommended choice. If you’re on a budget or have specific needs for a third-party checkout extension, you can explore the alternative options with caution and ensure compatibility with Hyvä Themes.