
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

Which features of Magento are supported by Hyvä ?

Hyvä supports a wide range of Magento features, including

 1. Quick and easy setup to configure the perfect user experience for every customer

 2. Robust support for all Magento editions, including Community and Enterprise 

 3. Seamless integration with extensions such as payment gateways, analytics & tracking tools, and more 

 4. Support for advanced search algorithms to ensure relevant product discovery 

 5. Secure connections using SSL encryption and other essential security protections 

 6. Comprehensive documentation describing how to best use Hyvä with different versions of Magento  

 7. A feature-rich framework that allows for powerful customization of every store