
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

Why are Hyvä Themes superior to other existing front-end solutions?

Hyvä Themes offers several advantages over other front-end solutions for Magento 2 stores, making them a strong contender, especially for those looking for performance and developer experience.

Here’s are the major reasons why Hyvä Themes are superior to other existing front-end solutions:

1. Affordable & faster alternative to PWA and headless

Though headless PWA has multiple pros with Adobe Magento, it’s expensive to start. Hyvä, on the other hand, is a better alternative to headless PWA as it offers template optimization and performance enhancement on Adobe Magento 2 at a much lesser cost.

2. Low cost as Hyvä can be launched template-by-template

Hyvä uses a fallback mechanism with Adobe Magento, where developers get to build the Hyvä theme simultaneously with the default Luma theme. The mechanism allows developers to assign templates that will serve Hyvä and Luma as per their requirements. 

3. Developer-friendly experience and less learning curve

The learning curve for Hyva is much faster than React and Headless. It uses a lot of codebase from traditional Magento front and backend, which makes it easier for Magento developers to learn and implement.

Hyvä Themes are a strong option for developers and businesses looking to build high-performance, customizable Magento 2 stores.  If fast loading times, a modern development experience, and flexibility are your priorities, Hyvä Themes are worth considering.

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