
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

How difficult is it to migrate my existing theme to a Hyvä theme?

Migrating an existing Magento theme to Hyvä can be challenging and may require expertise. The Hyva theme implementation process (from scratch) can take 2–4 months depending on the project’s complexity and how the store will interact with other plugins. 

Check out the detail guide on Time and Cost to Implement Hyva Theme in Magento!

However, you can reduce this time to 4–8 weeks by using an InstaBuild for Hyvä Theme – Ready-made Hyva templates for just at €499! These ready-made templates offer a quick and affordable way to get started with Hyva. They provide a professional design and layout. 

You can choose from various industry-specific themes that suit your eCommerce business niche and then pay a minimum for customization to fit your specific branding and functionalities.

Related resources:

  1. How Luma Fallback Can Save Hyvä Implementation Cost & Time?
  2. How to Cut Your Hyvä Implementation Costs in Half?