
We have collected answers for all the possible frequently asked questions related to Magento, Shopify, PWA, & Hyva and we're excited to share them with you.

How much will Hyvä theme cost me?

As of February 2024, a Hyvä theme license costs €1,000, which is about $1,080 USD. This one-time fee allows you to use the theme on one Magento installation and includes unlimited updates (You may be eligible for PPP discount).

The license also gives you access to: The theme codebase, Documentation, Support and community access on a private Slack channel, Third-party compatibility modules, and Development test systems and live shops.

Other costs associated with Hyvä include:

  • UI/UX designing: Estimated cost range is $600 to $1,000
  • InstaBuild for Hyvä: Pre-built templates cost €499
  • Hyvä Checkout and Implementation: License costs €1,000 and implementation typically ranges around $500
  • Custom development: Development costs can range from $1,250 to $5,000 or more

Related resources:

  1. Time and Cost to Implement Hyva Theme in Magento
  2. How Luma Fallback Can Save Hyvä Implementation Cost & Time?
  3. How to Cut Your Hyvä Implementation Costs in Half?