Recapitulating Meet Magento UK 2019

Jun 20th, 2019 8 min to read

This year event started exactly where we left last year – “On High”.

Meet Magento UK 2019- The event provides a chance to Retailer and Programmers to get updated and clear the latest eCommerce insights.

The entire event was for two days wherein on the first day to warm up everyone attending the event, an intensive Magento Contribution hackathon was kept. With many Magento Core Developers and Architects participating in the event.

Magento Contribution Day in UK 2019

Meet Magento Day in UK 2019

The second day started with Jamie Huskisson (Meet Magento UK Organiser and CEO at JH) welcoming everyone and sharing key information about the day.

Wifi is always Important, as free Wifi can make you forget half of your life problems.

The set was set and the attendees were excited as well.

General Sessions and Keynotes

Guido Jansen started the First General Session of the Day where he covered update about the newly formed Magento Association in depth. He also explained how anyone could join and take the benefits out of it.

Ramadass Prabhakar started the opening Keynote of the event. He covered updates from Imagine 2019, Architecture Vision, Adobe and Magento Integrations, and powering Experience-driven Commerce.

Many topics were covered by well-known speakers during the event, but “Performance Budgets: Get Fast, Stay Fast” by Katie Hempenius was one of our favorite.

After the first refreshment break, Andy Mulcahy covered the fascinating topic “Optimising Online Retail Performance.”

Tom Erskine covered an exciting topic, “Automated Testing – Plans, Platforms, and Marketplace Extension”.

Eric Erway covering “Onward and Upward: Going Progressive in 2019”

Shane Osbourne covered the current hot topic of the eCommerce Industry Progressive Web Apps.

Interesting games were also there where people have to guess the number and collect amazing prizes.

After the break, Jonathan Roeder (Data Solutions – Principal at Magento) covered “Magento’s Data-driven Future” in depth.

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”

Phillip Jackson

The last Keynote of the event by Phillip Jackson (Ecommerce Evangelist at Something Digital). He covered an amazing topic “Communities Build People”  comprehensively and thoroughly. We just loved it.????

Closing Remarks by Jamie Huskisson (Meet Magento UK Organiser and CEO at JH) and then ‘Drink Reception’ in the Upper River Room, celebrating the end of a great day “Meet Magento UK” with sponsors, speakers, staff, and attendees.

Followed by Drinks Receptions, there was After Party as no Magento event is completed unless there is an After-Party. Hence, everyone headed towards the Core Bar, where drinks and fun were already waiting.

In the end, a warm thanks to all the speakers and sponsors for organizing this fantastic event #MM19UK. See you all next year at Meet Magento UK 2020. #MM20UK

Keshav Pandey
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