Shopify OS 2.0 Guide : 5 Key Benefits For Your Shopify Store

Dec 7th, 2021 7 min to read

You wanted to express your brand and boost sales on Shopify. After all, who knows your business more than you? But Shopify’s “Debut theme” refused to agree with you.


  • lazy page loads,
  • terrible control over your website, and
  • rocket science coding

… made you knock on developers’ doors. Did that mean handing over business controls to others? Yes, a bit!

You kept basking on developers’ glory to have your e-Commerce ready. At the same time, you kept thinking, “couldn’t Shopify be a bit simpler for non-coders?”

Shopify 2.0 has heard your calls with Shopify’s new store…  

The good part is— if you upgrade to this new Shopify store, you already leapfrog 50% of your competitors. Here’s how:

  • Shopify 2.0 “Dawn theme” is 35% faster than “Debut.”
  • 50% of the Shopify merchants use “Debut.”

A quicker switch to Shopify OS 2.0 would mean a faster page load.

Fast page load —> More time spent on store —> Chances of higher conversion —> Better revenue

But you have plenty to take away apart from page load speed with OS 2.0. Take a look at what you used and what you’re about to use:

This brings us to what new Shopify upgrade gets in for store owners.

What does Shopify 2.0 improve for store owners?

You have several winning points with Shopify Online Store 2.0 and Dawn. But you earn major control over two things:

  • development
  • content management

Major control #1: “You” have the editing power

Yes, you have the power to edit your store. Easy tree view dashboard organizes each element of your store in hierarchical ways…

Which means… You don’t have to 

  • deal with gibberish coding language
  • hunt for Shopify developers to fix essential elements in your store
  • waste your time in manual segregation and customization of the store

Shopify eCommerce development is a nimble-fingered work now.

Major control #2: You can educate about your business much better

Debut didn’t let you add content on all the pages. You had minimal control over the content you created… 

Restricted to the homepages only. 

But Shopify OS 2.0 lets you add content sections on all the pages. What does this mean for you? Well, let’s say you wanted to add 

  • video to your products, or 
  • related post sections in your blog pages.

You just have to add the content section and upload/write your content now. It wasn’t possible earlier. Again, no need for hard coding!

The editor also gives you the flexibility to place your content anywhere on the website.

What are the features & benefits of Shopify 2.0 for e-commerce merchants?

Now we’re talking business. What’s in for you? Let’s find out the features and their benefits… 

#1: Shopify 2.0 Section Everywhere… Brand every corner of your store the way you like! 

Shopify sections everywhere 2021 feature makes you the driver of the designing wheel. You can add dynamic sections on all the pages and, more importantly, rearrange them as you like.

Here’s the simple algorithm for it:

  • Add the sections on any part of the website
  • Populate them with the brand message
  • Rearrange the blocks as you want

How it benefits you:

  1. You’re the designer of your website without being one
  2. You save lots of money on mindless designing (without tapping a developer)
  3. You can have your brand voice heard from all the corners
  4. Your brand voice will be consistent across the website

Here’s the real example:

#2: Shopify 2.0 Metafields… your products are better described!

Shopify meta fields in 2021 differ significantly from the meta fields from the last year. 

Think of it this way: 

“You wanted to upload color swatches or size guides for your clothing products.”

But vintage Shopify didn’t offer any meta field feature. You either had to:

  • call developers, or
  • use third party meta field apps

Shopify 2.0 has other plans for you as a store merchant. You can use in-built meta-field features to describe your products better. For example,

Shopify product specification meta field

Shopify Variant meta fields

Shopify collection meta fields

How it benefits you:

  1. More product info leads to higher conversion
  2. Better user experience helps your customers spend more time in your store
  3. Detailed product info shakes off the burden from your query desk
  4. Informed buying decision, courtesy to specs and variants, reduces return percentage

#3: Shopify 2.0 App management… you handle the apps on the store like a pro

Your Shopify store has many apps in it. Until now, adding, removing, and managing app components was a strenuous task as a merchant.

But Shopify OS 2.0 lets easy app installation and management. You have to insert, remove, and position the app blocks. Looks like someone agrees with us below:

For example, you wanted to have a review rating application on your product page. All you have to do is drag and drop the app and position it in your desirable hierarchy.

How it benefits you:

  1. Over-reliance on developers shrinks to another level
  2. You use only the relevant apps for your store
  3. You can brand the look and the feel of your store
  4. You enjoy the freedom of editing choices without stepping in the theme editor

#4: Shopify 2.0 Loading speed… you convert shoppers into paying customers!

Load time = money!

Lag by three seconds, and your website has already lost 40% of its customers.

Strange as it may sound, nothing contributes to more e-Commerce success than a good web speed. Shopify 2.0 theme speed and performance are 35% faster than Debut. 

Shopify 2.0 claims they have handpicked easier to load templates and sections. 

For example, their checkout template loads twice as fast as in the older theme store. The template also handles seven times the volume.

How it benefits you:

  1. Shopify 2.0 has soaked in the headache of latching onto the developer. “JavaScript-only-as-needed approach” frees you up with unnecessary hiring.
  2. You lay an excellent shopping experience for users.
  3. The chances of organic ranking on Google goes high.
  4. You’ll convert more shoppers.
  5. Your brand develops immediate credibility.

Look how Shopify calls of the minimal Javascript Usage themselves 

#5: Shopify 2.0 Simple customization… set up and start expressing your brand!

Who wouldn’t want to toggle a few settings and launch a professional-looking store?

Shopify 2.0 ensures it’s easy-peasy for you to store set up and get started with brand expression. For example, OS 2.0 offers plenty of room to express your brand through color settings. But this doesn’t mean they’ve complicated the process for you.

You can express your brand and enjoy the new Shopify theme setup experience at the same time.

How it benefits you

  1. Easy customization makes you consistent with brand voicing across the website
  2. You can make your website look more luxurious
  3. You win the aesthetic game, which gets you, loyal customers
  4. Technology won’t be an excuse anymore for custom development

Shopify Upgrade— Why You Still Need Experts For Theme Migration

Shopify 2.0 has resolved most of your development and management concerns. But you would still need experts for theme migration.

Only a matter of time, Shopify will make it mandatory to use the new Shopify Theme Store. Oh! And also the app infrastructure. But upgrading to the new Shopify theme isn’t as simple as managing the new theme.

You may run into challenges such as:

  1. Losing customer data and shopping credentials
  2. Losing track of order histories
  3. Failing to let customer experience take off without a hitch

Migrating your store to a new Shopify OS 2.0 makes sense only when you’re sure it doesn’t take away what you have:

  • customers, 
  • traffic, and 
  • conversion.

The strong reason why you want to leave such critical moves on experts like Aureate Labs to handle.

Jayesh Patel
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